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Apartment Malostranské náměstí 9/13, Prague (Promo Code Discount & Deal)

Apartment Malostranské náměstí 9/13, Prague - Promo Code Details

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This is the best Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 discount we could find for this Prague accommodation. (See more details below.)

Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promo code & hotel info

Hotel name: Apartment Malostranské náměstí 9/13, Prague

Address: Malostranské náměstí 9, Prague, 118 00, Czech Republic

City: Prague

Country: Czech Republic

Description: Featuring a terrace, Apartment Malostranské náměstí 9/13 is located in Prague, just 0.7 miles from Czech National Theater. Estates Theater is 0.9 miles away.

Save money: *Get up to 25% off your stay depending on the days of the week you book your room, the duration of your stay, the current availability of the room, the season of the year, and other factors

Promotion code details: No coupon or promotion codes are currently required to save money (any available discount will be automatically applied)

Is Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 the best place for you to stay in Prague?

Getting a great deal or exclusive discount code on Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 is fantastic.

But there are also other things for you to consider, when deciding whether it’s the best overall place for you to stay during your time in Prague.

With that in mind, we’ve created a list of things for you to consider, in addition to price, to help you decide whether it is, indeed, your best option.

You can simply skim the topics and questions down below, or click on any one you’d like to learn more about.

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Why use AMN9IP as an abbreviation?

During our review, you might sometimes see us refer to Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 in Prague (49 characters long, including blanks) as AMN9IP (6 characters long) for the following 3 reasons:

  1. We created the acronym by taking the first letter of every word (which was very groundbreaking, we know)
  2. We’re lazy and AMN9IP is simpler and easier for reviewing purposes
  3. We save 43 characters every time we do this

So, just a heads up that we’ll be using this abbreviation sometimes, so you’re not left scratching your head and wondering what the heck we’re talking about whenever we refer to AMN9IP throughout the remainder of this review.

Also, we’ll sometimes use AMN9IP37925 which is a combination of the abbreviation with the Travel Help Guru post id, which we sometimes use for THG tracking purposes to further differentiate abbreviations from one another.

Were you able to get a good Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 deal?

Since a more affordable price is such an important factor for deciding where to stay in Prague, we’ll go into greater detail on how we found the Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer at the top of this page, as well as other ways you can get a bigger discount, if you’re not satisfied with the price you found.

How identifies the best Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promo codes, deals, offers, and coupons

We checked sites like,,,, and for the best AMN9IP promo codes, coupon codes, discounts, and coupons, and then presented you with the best one we found.

The only catch is that the discount you’ll get on AMN9IP will depend on a varity of factors.

Why Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 discount rates can vary wildly

The price of staying at AMN9IP will depend on factors such as the time of year (season), days of the week, current level of popularity (how booked it is or not), and more.

That said, you can use the tips below to hopefully get a great Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promotional offer, in addition to the deal at the top of this page.

Use Google to find the best Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 coupon promo codes and discounts

This is one of the most effective ways to get a AMN9IP discount, even though it can be a bit time consuming.

In a nutshell, you want to get on Google or a different search engine of your choice and do searches for things like:

  • Best Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promotion code or available promotion codes
  • Most recent Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 voucher code
  • Popular Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 coupons

Sometimes, being more specific can help improve your search results, but you can also try keeping your search queries for AMN9IP simpler, like this:

  • Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 deals
  • Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 discount codes

It’s worth taking a few minutes doing these kinds of searches, if it gets you a better price on your stay in Prague.

Use email to get a good deal on AMN9IP

Another tactic is to look up Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 online, and if you find a relevant website for it, chances are good that you can sign up for an email list that will eventually push exclusive offers, discounts, and deals for it that are available for a limited time.

That way you just get a Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 discount, promotion, or offer emailed directly to your email address once you’re on their mailing list.

Find good deals on other places to stay in Prague

The worst case scenario is that after all this searching, you’re still not satisfied with the Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 price.

This is still not a big deal, because you can easily search for other hotels, hostels, furnished apartments, etc. in Prague.

In fact, you can see a list of other hotels and lodgings in Prague here, in addition to AMN9IP, if you want.

Or, if you’re feeling crazy, and you’re open to staying in other cities, you can look at a great selection of other Travel Help Guru Czech Republic lodgings here.

Questions about Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 special rates that can save you more money

In addition to trying the tactics above, if you can find the contact information for someone who can book your stay at AMN9IP, ask this person (let’s call him or her The Booker) the following questions that can help you save money.

What tips are there to save money when booking a room at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

In general, traveling to Prague off season, when it’s less busy, will help you save money when booking a room at AMN9IP, but it never hurts to ask The Booker what other strategies there are to get a better rate than the standard rate (aka special savings opportunities), as well as what the rate plan policies are in general.

How can you avoid extra fees at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 in Prague?

Ideally, you want to avoid as many hidden fees as you can, so it pays to ask The Booker for AMN9IP whether there is an extra person fee, early check in fee, late check out fee, wifi / internet access fee, and in some cases, an additional resort fee.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer holiday promo codes?

Sometimes, you can find great holiday specials when securing a place to stay, and The Booker for AMN9IP would likely know of any upcoming holiday discounts.

What holiday packages does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer to guests?

This is a slightly different than the question above, in that you might discover a package that involves excursions, shopping, or dining in Prague that save you money that way.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have student discounts, senior discounts, or military discounts?

Here’s one of our favorite THG tips: investigate whether you can get a specific discount type, like a student discount, senior discount, or military discount when booking your AMN9IP stay, since these kinds of discount types are often not publicly advertised.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have any friends and family discount programs?

This is another great question to ask The Booker for AMN9IP37925, because getting friends and family discounts gets you instant benefits that is good for you but also them (since it encourages you to get more people to stay there).

Are there any special offers available for couples at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

Similar to the approach above, you can ask The Booker about AMN9IP couple discounts for romantic getaways, which sometimes works, depending on the accommodation.

How often does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 release new coupon codes?

If there are, indeed, AMN9IP coupon codes, promo codes, etc., then The Booker would be the best person to ask about how often such Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 discounts are released.

What are the blackout dates for Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promotional codes?

This is a follow-up question to the question above, because if you discover any AMN9IP promotional codes, they will probably be subject to availability, and there will likely be black out dates when you won’t be able to use them (like during the busy season) and The Booker can tell you what those blackout dates are.

Are there every any Black Friday or Cyber Monday deals for Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

This one is more of a longshot, but it doesn’t hurt to ask the Booker if they ever have any black friday or cyber monday specials for AMN9IP37925 (assuming you can wait that long).

More frequently asked questions about Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 specials

In addition to the information above, the FAQ below can further help answer your questions about how to get the best AMN9IP special rate during your stay in Prague.

What is the best Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promo code coupon, discount, or deal for me?

The best AMN9IP promotional code coupon, discount, or deal for you will be the one that saves you the most money during the time period you’re looking at. Don’t overthink this one.

Are Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 coupon codes and promo codes tested by THG?

If we provide coupon codes or promo codes for AMN9IP, Travel Help Guru will test them out first, and in instances where no promotion code or coupon code is necessary, we’ll let you know that as well.

How do I use an available Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 promo code offer?

Generally, if there is an available code, you would go to a website affiliated with booking AMN9IP, apply the promo code at checkout, and then verify that you got the discounted rate on your booking confirmation.

What other steps can I do to take advantage of Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offers?

We have covered this in greater detail elsewhere, but your best bets are to use the discount at the top of this page, do Google searches, and if possible, contact The Booker for AMN9IP37925.

How many coupon codes can be used for each reservation if I find more than one Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 coupon code?

In almost every case, the policy is only one coupon code per reservation, which applies to your entire purchase, and we would be very surprised if the AMN9IP policy is any different.

Do you care about more than just the price of Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13? (If so, continue…)

As part of the Travel Help Guru expert review system, we help you ask questions to determine whether AMN9IP37925 is the best place for you to stay in Prague.

If you’re already happy with the price, and all you care about is getting the lowest price or the lowest rates in town, there’s no need to continue with the THG review system for AMN9IP!

But if you’re like most people, if you want to make the best decision about where you’re staying in Prague, you’ll also want to consider and answer the following questions below…

Remember, the more you answer "yes", the better AMN9IP will be for you.

How to use the Travel Help Guru system to evaluate Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13

The THG system for evaluating AMN9IP is very simple.

Just consider the questions below. The more you answer "yes" to each question, the better AMN9IP37925 is a good fit for you.

If you want to make it more fun, you can assign a rating of 1 suitcase to 4 suitcases to Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13, depending on how good of a fit you think it is, according to your expert rating.

But that’s optional.

And now, let the questions begin…

Is Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 in a good location in Prague for you?

Where you want to be located in Prague is one of the most important questions for you to answer.

Of course, it all depends on why you’ll be in Prague in the first place, and whether the location of AMN9IP will be helpful to you or not.

For example, are you traveling to Prague for business or pleasure? Visiting friends or family there? Simply want to soak up the sights and attractions?

It’s very simple: decide what you want to actually accomplish (what you want to see or do) in Prague. And then decide whether Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13’s location is a benefit for that or not.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have a pool?

An indoor pool or outdoor pool (or even super swanky rooftop pool) might or might not be important to you, depending on how you’re planning to spend your time in Prague and who you’re traveling with.

For example, if you’re traveling by yourself on business, it might not be important at all, but if you’re traveling to Prague with friends, family, or children, and you think you’d enjoy relaxing by the pool at AMN9IP, it might be an important consideration whether there is an indoor or outdoor swimming pool, whether it’s heated or not and has a pool bar or not, and so on.

If a pool is very important for your stay, THG recommends that you do a specific search for the best deals on Prague hotels with pools.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have a steam bath, sauna, hot tub, spa, or spa tub?

While you’re exploring the pool options at AMN9IP37925, you might as well check whether there’s a steam bath, sauna, hot tub, full service spa, or spa tub that you might be able to enjoy to make your stay even more relaxing.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer free wi-fi?

This is a huge consideration when considering whether to stay at AMN9IP, since people rely on wi fi (wireless internet access) for everything from business work to entertainment.

Travel Help Guru recommends that you double check that AMN9IP37925 has, at the very least, free wifi in lobby areas, as well as more private options for fast, solid, reliable internet access.

Does the check-in time and check-out time at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 work for you?

Check-in times and check-out times can vary a lot depending on the accomodation, so be sure to verify whether the check in time and check out time at AMN9IP works with your schedule, as well as whether you can do a mobile check in to make the process even easier.

Does the cancellation policy for Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 work for you?

On the off-chance you have to cancel your reservation, check the cancellation policy for AMN9IP so that you can avoid a cancellation fee on your credit card or debit card.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have good transportation options for you?

Being able to get around Prague easily will probably be an important consideration for you, so consider the related transportation issues and questions below, and see if AMN9IP will sufficiently meet your needs.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer free airport shuttle service?

If you’re flying into an airport as a way of traveling to Prague, you will want to ensure that you can easily get to and from the airport from AMN9IP, and if you can do this for free with an airport shuttle service, instead of paying a taxi fare, bus fare, or for some other means of travel, that’s even better.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer free parking?

If you have a car during your stay in Prague, be sure to verify whether AMN9IP37925 offers free parking, because ideally you want to save some money by not paying for self parking or valet parking, if there’s any way you can avoid this fee.

Is the public transportation near Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 good?

If you don’t have a car when visiting Prague, investigate what kind of transportation AMN9IP provides to nearby sites, as well as the best way to get around, whether it’s by subway, train, taxi, bus, Uber, Lyft, etc, especially since a nearby subway station, train station, bus station, or taxi station in walking distance can make all the difference in the world.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have enough beds for you?

If you’re staying at AMN9IP with multiple people, this answer is important, because a single twin bed, double bed, queen bed, or king bed is fine if you’re on your own, but if there are others you’d rather not share a bed with, it’s worth checking whether you’ll have a couple double beds or queen sized beds for the sleeping arrangements, or perhaps even a double sofa that you can pull out and make into an extra bed.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have good food options?

Depending on your needs, consider whether AMN9IP offers a free breakfast, and if so, whether it’s a simple daily continental breakfast / buffet breakfast, or something fancier like a brunch or some kind of fine dining experience with exquisite cuisine and award winning food.

Beyond investigating your breakfast options at AMN9IP37925, you’ll also want to know what other food options there are in Prague (grocery stores, restaurants, etc.), and if you’re traveling with children, bonus points for checking whether any restaurants nearby have a children’s menu.

Is the customer service available at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 satisfactory?

If you’re someone who wants to be well taken care of during your time in Prague, you might want to check what kinds of guest services are available at AMN9IP, like whether there’s a 24-hour concierge service, 24 hour front desk person (providing 24 hour reception), any special services for couples, ideally a friendly staff with high service marks, etc.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have daily maid service?

Ideally, you want AMN9IP to have clean bed sheets and fresh towels, whether or not there’s a daily cleaning service, and if you need laundry done, you might check whether there’s a laundromat or dry cleaning service nearby if these services aren’t available on site.

Are you happy with the amenities at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

In addition to being happy with the services, you’ll also want to make sure you’re happy with the hotel amenities at AMN9IP, such as the business amenities, exercise facilities and gym equipment (whether or not there’s a 24 hour fitness center), whether rooms come with perks like electric fireplaces, shopping options nearby, etc.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have good tv options?

Although a flat screen satellite tv isn’t necessarily the most important consideration, if you watch a lot of television and this matters to you, you might check whether your stay at AMN9IP37925 comes with a flat screen tv or not.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have air conditioning?

If you’re staying somewhere hot or humid, you might want to see if AMN9IP has air conditioning, which would make you more comfortable.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 have a bar?

If you’re the kind of person who like a hotel bar, lobby bar, or a personal mini bar in your room, be sure to verify whether AMN9IP has one of these or not.

Does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 offer any activities for guests?

Depending on how important entertainment is to you, you might want to investigate whether AMN9IP organizes any activities for guests, offers special packages, trips, or excursions, whether there is a casino or some other form of adult enternainment nearby, and if you’re traveling with children, whether there are any facilities for children that would make your stay easier.

Can you bring pets to Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

If you’re traveling with pets, like dogs, cats, hamsters, gerbils, or whatever else, definitely investigate the pet policy at AMN9IP to verify whether your pet is welcome and whether there are any additional charges if they are, indeed, pet friendly.

Is Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 suitable for special occasions?

If you’re celebrating a special occasion, be sure to verify whether AMN9IP satisfies your needs, like whether it offers a romantic hotel package for couples, or whether it can accommodate group bookings if you’re traveling with a lot of people.

For example, if you’re dealing with lots of guests traveling to Prague for a wedding, you might ask whether you can organize your wedding at AMN9IP37925 or have wedding guests stay there, as well as whether there’s a penthouse or executive suite that you could book.

Is the smoking policy at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 ideal?

If you can’t stand cigarette smoke or any other form of smoking, you might want to check if AMN9IP has a non-smoking policy, and on the other hand, if you’re a smoker, you might want to check if smoking is allowed.

Are there good health and safety measures at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

After the coronavirus and COVID 19 affected so many lives, many accommodations have enhanced their sanitation measures, so if this is important to you, check whether AMN9IP has guest safety measures in place, like physical distancing, regularly cleaning commonly touched surfaces, and other additional safety precautions.

Will your luggage be safe at Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13?

If you’re checking in early, and you can’t get into your room yet, you might want to check whether AMN9IP37925 has a safe, secure place to store your luggage until then.

Is Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 big enough for you?

If you’re the kind of person who prefers spacious suites and large, sweeping private balconies, as opposed to a tiny, cozy, less spacious suite without a private balcony, you might investigate how big your living space at AMN9IP will be in either square feet (sq ft) or square meters (sq m) to verify it’s spacious enough for you.

How does Apartment Malostransk�� n��m��st�� 9/13 compare to other lodging options in Prague?

Finally, it never hurts to consider how AMN9IP compares to other possibilities in Prague, especially depending on your needs, interests, and goals.

Are you a solo traveler visiting Prague?

If you’re traveling by yourself as a tourist, you might want to check out what the best hostels or hotels in Prague are for solo travellers or leisure travelers vacationing by themselves.

Do you want to learn more about the history of Prague?

On the other hand, if you’re a history buff, you might enjoy deliberately searching for historic hotels in Prague and staying in the historic district, if there is one, and seeing how it compares to AMN9IP37925.

Are the sights and views of Prague important to you?

If you’re the kind of person who loves great views, which often come with a high quality downtown hotel, you might consider a hotel with city views that appeal to you, whether it’s from a window in your room, or from a rooftop deck or rooftop bar at AMN9IP.

What are the budget hotels in Prague like?

If you want a good hotel deal in Prague, staying in a budget hotel might be your best option, and you can see how AMN9IP stacks up against these kinds of budget hotel deals just by spending a few minutes reading some hotel reviews and seeing what you think.

What are the apartment rentals / furnished living suites in Prague like?

Depending on how long you’re staying in Prague, you might consider an apartment rental, although THG recommends that for shorter stays you look for a furnished living suite as opposed to a non-furnished one for convenience.

How much do hotel rooms cost in Prague in general?

Also, you might want to consider how much a hotel room is in Prague in general, depending on whether you’re staying at a 1 star, 2 star, 3 star, or a high-end 4 star hotel. You might also compare these prices to boutique hotels, since a boutique hotel can have a very different price range.

By doing this research, you can see how much of a difference in cost per night there is between cheap hotels that aren’t booked that much vs. popular hotels that are booked more often in Prague, and make a decision about whether you want to stay in a cheap hotel or a more expensive hotel.

All these considerations will help you better decide if AMN9IP is the best place to stay in Prague for you.

Rooms, rates & deals for AMN9IP

Number of rooms: TBD

Minimum price per room: TBD USD

Maximum rate per room: TBD USD

Property description (rooms, rates, deals & more)

One of our top picks in Prague.

Offering a terrace, EMPIRENT Malostranske namesti Apartments is situated in Prague, 1,000 feet from Prague Castle. St. Vitus Cathedral is 1,000 feet away. Free WiFi is featured.

The pet-friendly accommodation is air conditioned and has a satellite flat-screen TV. Some units include a terrace and/or balcony. There is also a kitchen, fitted with a dishwasher. An oven, a microwave and toaster are also offered, as well as a kettle. Each unit is equipped with a private bathroom with a bath or shower. Towels and bed linen are provided.

Charles Bridge is 2,300 feet from EMPIRENT Malostranske namesti Apartments, while Old Town Square is 0.8 miles from the property. The nearest airport is Vaclav Havel Prague Airport, 6.2 miles from EMPIRENT Malostranske namesti Apartments.

Prague 01 is a great choice for travelers interested in history, architecture and culture.

Brief reviews (in English and other languages)

There are no reviews currently available. Please check back soon.

Recommended hotels (additional offers)

If you like this hotel, you might also be interested in:

1. Masna 19 Old Town Apartment, Prague

Located 547 yards from Estates Theater and 0.8 miles from Czech National Theater, Masna 19 Old Town Apartment offers accommodations in Prague. There is a sitting area, a dining area and a kitchen.

Masna 19, Prague, 110 00, Czech Republic

2. Studio Nicolas Prague

Studio Nicolas Prague offers accommodations in Prague. There is a sitting area and a kitchenette as well as a private bathroom. A flat-screen TV is available.

10 Tržiště, Prague, 118 00, Czech Republic

3. Apartment Pod Stupni 9, Prague

Located 1.1 miles from Prague Congress Center, Apartment Pod Stupni 9 offers accommodations in Prague. The property features views of the garden and is 1.7 miles from Estates Theater.

Pod Stupni 9/9, Prague, 10100, Czech Republic

4. Apartment Malovanka, Prague

Apartment Malovanka is located in Prague, just 1.9 miles from Czech National Theater. Estates Theater is 2.2 miles from the property.

Mládeže 1375/7, Prague, 169 00, Czech Republic

5. Apartment Ve Smeckach, Prague

Located 0.6 miles from Estates Theater, Apartment Ve Smeckach offers accommodations in Prague. There is a sitting area and a kitchen equipped with a dishwasher.

Ve Smečkach 2 1st floor, flat 4, Prague, 110 00, Czech Republic

Final review & details for this lodging

Booking your stay: You can learn more about this hotel by reading reviews that others have left. When you go to make your reservation, see for yourself how popular, comfortable, and affordable it is based on what others have to say about it.

Travel Help Guru reference #: travelhelpgurua1v12891